Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Are girls fetishist by definition?

I know this must sound weird but from where I stand, this is a big issue.

I ALWAYS see this.  Girls leaving bars with cartoon characters.  The tallest, the shortest, the skinniest, the redhead, the dirtiest, etc.  And I see this trend exposed everywhere.  It seems to be trendy for people to confess that they like freckles or weird facial hair and to do so with a fake shameful tone.  Usually, people spread this on the internet via blog, vlog, FB status and I see this more and more.
I must admit that once in a while, someone makes a good judgement call, but only if there are no other alternatives.

I do not approve of this behavior but I must admit I can understand it.  Psychologically speaking, this could be backed up by the fact that you can't be judged afterward for picking the tallest dude even if he's really not that cute because you can blame it on "the kink" or obsession.  My assumptions must sound really bitter and cynical but I usually start to analyze my observations and the data I reap from it with the premise that people are predictable, simple minded and care way to much about what other people might think.

I feel invigorated whenever I am proven wrong on those matter.  This is my inquiry: Get to KNOW people instead of make the most obvious possible choices and prove me wrong. I dare you to prove me wrong.

1 comment:

  1. From a girl's point of viwe we see the exact same thing. Guys leaving with the tallest, the shortest, the skinniest, the redhead. The major difference is , a guy will be encourage to fuck who he wants, a girl is going to get call a slut or aparently a fetishist for having sexual preferences, or just for being a sexual person.

    And hey! Sninny ginger boys are cute.
